Saturday, September 24, 2011

Did cooking make us human?

Did cooking make us human?

A question was posed: Did cooking make us human? 
 Four million years ago, earliest ancestors of human beings - Australopithecus appeared on the Earth. Have you ever thought what did they eat? Well, their main food was vegetables, sometimes they ate fruits. The video made an example: Monkeys eat a lot of fruits and vegetables so they have to spend much time in eating. So did the old humans. They have spent 50% of their time in chewing. 

Until two point three million years ago, eating meat started appearing. It was much difficult to eat. Homo erectus hunted, fought with other animals to have meat. Sometimes, they might be injured. Perhaps, this was the reason that just human or strong animals could eat meat. According to a research, size of the brain of Homo erectus is larger 20% than Australopithecus and their teeth were sharper, allowed them to eat meat.

Then they had ability to create and tend fire, they started to cook food. Therefore, they didn’t need to spend much time on eating, their brains are larger and their bodies are smaller. Also, when you eat cooked food, it gives us more energy; our bodies can easily access calories.

In conclusion, the fire and the ability to cook food helped our ancestors to evolove toward the species we are today.


  1. thank you. this is my assignment and it's just about 150 words. i want to make it longer but i shouldn't
